Gundrilling for Injection Molds

With specialized manufacturing, gundrilling provides a fast and efficient drilling process for injection mold applications. Injection molds require precision and accuracy from drilling operations to create a component that performs as intended. Gundrilling offers various advantages, from premium drilling capabilities to injection mold production.

Injection Molds Drilling Capabilities

Manufacturing injection molds using gundrilling techniques are individualized to the needs of each specific component. Able to create a range of complex hole types, like angled holes and cross-cavity bores, gundrilling can drill hole patterns in multiple directions for injection mold applications. Gundrilling capabilities for injection molds include:

  • Drilling for Leader Pinholes
  • Drilling into Clamp Slots
  • Bubbler Holes & Ejector Pinholes

Additionally, gundrilling can produce holes for heater elements within the application and make them a suitable size for easy removal and replacement. We can utilize gundrilling techniques on many materials, including exotic and precious metals, standard metals, plastics and polymers, and everyday materials such as wood.

Benefits of Gundrilling for Injection Molds

Opting for gundrilling manufacturing provides several advantages to injection mold applications. Gundrilling produces completely round bores with incredible straightness, ensuring optimal performance. Injection mold applications also benefit from the depth capabilities of gundrilling, as the gundrilling process can achieve an outstanding depth of drilling and high-tolerance straightness within an application. Our operations use the latest in modified equipment, and each production run is specialized to the needs of an individual component, carefully selecting an appropriate machine for the job.

Precision Gundrilling for Injection Mold Applications from AMG

At American Machine & Gundrilling (AMG), we pride ourselves on drilling tough jobs. We use state-of-the-art custom equipment to produce intricate and complex hole types that cannot be achieved with traditional drilling. Our decades of experience allow us to create high-quality components for injection mold applications and more. Gundrilling manufacturing produces the intricate hole types you need with precision. Contact us with questions or request a quote today.